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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


PADILLA, J.A. et al. Multiplex detection of SNPs associated with growth and meat quality in pigs. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2010, vol.59, n.226, pp.233-244. ISSN 1885-4494.

This work describes a method based on primer extension analyses to genotype simultaneously seven SNPs associated with growth and meat quality in pigs. Genomic DNA samples were obtained from 193 animals belonging to several porcine breeds (54 Iberian, 63 Duroc and 47 Large White-Landrace x Large White) and 29 wild board. Four pairs of primers have been designed from the sequences of the genes H-FABP, MC4R and LEPR and were used for the multiplex amplification of regions in the pig genome containing seven SNPs. Primer extension reaction (ABI PRISM SNaPshot MultiplexTM kit. Applied Biosystems) was realized with primers designed in the flanking regions to each of the SNP of interest. The genotypes were identified by minisequencing with ABIPrism 3130 and GeneMapper 3.7. (Applied Biosystems) and the different alleles of the seven SNPs were discriminated in a sole reaction. In this work have been detected, for the first time, the polymorphisms T221C and C233T of the LEPR gene (Genbank AF092422), which are not recognizable by restriction. This method allows identifying the carrying animals with the best desirable genotypes for selection.

Keywords : Minisequencing (primer extension); Loci H-FABP; Loci MC4R; Loci LEPR.

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