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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


ALMEIDA, A.C.S. de et al. Mineral composition of arboreal and bush species occurring in pastures, in Pernambuco-Brazil. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2011, vol.60, n.231, pp.553-561. ISSN 1885-4494.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate, during the dry and wet seasons the mineral composition of tree and bush species occurring in pasture areas near the cities of Itambé, Caruaru and Serra Talhada in the humid, intermediate, and dry climatic zones of the state of Pernambuco (Brazil). Leaves and branches up to 5.0 mm in diameter were collected for the determination of N, P, Mg and K concentrations. Five, 8, and 14 tree and bush species occurred in the pastures of Itambé, Caruaru and Serra Talhada respectively. In Itambé, N content was influenced by species, while P and K contents were affected by species and season. In Caruaru, N, P and K contents were not influenced by season and in Serra Talhada, only P and K contents were influenced by species and season. Chemical composition was generally more adequate in the rainy season.

Keywords : Native species; Cultivated species; Dry zone; Humid zone.

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