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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


DOMINGUEZ, J.H.E.; COSTA, D.S.; CENTURION, V.J.  and  BRUMATTI, R.C.. Marginal costs analysis of male-sexed semen used for Nellore bulls production. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2012, vol.61, n.233, pp.111-118. ISSN 1885-4494.

The aim of this research was to evaluate the economic viability of using male-sexed semen to Nellore bulls production. The experiment was conducted on two farms of breeders and selectors of Nellore bulls for sale. The females included 433 heifers (2 years old) and 230 non-suckling cows, totaling 663 animals. Average body condition score was 3.25±0.5 (1-5 scale). The total pregnancy rate of females inseminated with male-sexed semen of bulls A, B and C was 38.76% (131/338) lower (p<0.0001) than the total pregnancy rate observed for females inseminated with conventional semen from the same bulls (57.85% [188/ 325]). The use of male sexed semen showed a profit of US$ 1163.43, when compared with conventional semen to Nellore bulls production. It was concluded that the use of male sexed semen is economically viable for Nellore bulls production, but presents greater risks than the use of conventional semen for this purpose.

Keywords : Economic evaluation.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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