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Archivos de Zootecnia

On-line version ISSN 1885-4494Print version ISSN 0004-0592


MELO, J.B.; PIRES, D.A.F.  and  RIBEIRO, M.N.. Phenotypic profile in remaining of the Nordestino horse breed from Northeastern of Brazil. Arch. zootec. [online]. 2013, vol.62, n.238, pp.171-180. ISSN 1885-4494.

The objective of this paper is the study of ethnological profile of the remaining Nordestino horses from Pernambuco and Piauí states through frequency distribution of quality traits from 238 adult animals (male, females and castrated) in which were evaluated: nose profile, position of lips, neck shape, slope of croup, coat color, hooves color and hoof size. The coat colors more prevalent were gray and bay in animals studied from Pernambuco state and gray and chestnut at Piauí state. Sub-convex and rectilinear were the profiles of nose more prevalent in animals from Pernambuco state, and sub-concave at Piauí state. The neck shape was pyramidal, except for females and castrated from Piauí state which have deer type neck. The most common color of the hooves was black, followed by white mixed with black. Hooves with small size were identified as the more prevalent among the animals studied, however the hooves in males and castrated from Pernambuco were classified as medium sized. The firm and juxtaposed lips were the most common among the animals evaluated at Pernambuco, the males and castrated from Piauí state had his lips juxtaposed and the females relaxed. The rumps inclined and strongly inclined were more prevalent in both states, but in the males from Pernambuco was slightly inclined.

Keywords : Morphological profile; Native horse; Qualitative traits.

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