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Archivos Españoles de Urología (Ed. impresa)

Print version ISSN 0004-0614


CASTILLO, Octavio A. et al. Partial cystectomy: Our series. Arch. Esp. Urol. [online]. 2007, vol.60, n.9, pp.1111-1116. ISSN 0004-0614.

Objectives: Partial cystectomy is a recognized bladder sparing surgical technique. Patient selection is essential in order to optimize long term results. We present our initial experience with laparoscopic partial cystectomy performed in a selected group of patients that includes both benign and malignant lesions. Methods: Nine patients were surgically treated with laparoscopic partial cystectomy between July 2002 and September 2006 in our institution. Partial cystectomy was indicated for the treatment of a foreign body, endometriosis, urachal adenocarcinoma, trancisional cell carcinoma, acquired lesions of urachus and extravesical tumor. Analyzed surgical variables were operative time, conversion rate, blood loss, hospital stay and catheterization period. Results: Nine patients with bladder lesions were laparoscopically operated for partial cystectomy. Transperitoneal technique was employed and no conversion to open surgery was performed. Median operative time was 77.77 min (range 30-120 min.). No patient received any transfusion. No intraoperative lesions were verified. Median hospital stay was 4.22 days (range 3-5 d.), median catheterization period was 7 days (range 5-10d.). Conclusions: Laparoscopic partial cystectomy is a doable surgical procedure. It is a useful technique for both benign and malignant bladder disease. In TCC and urachal carcinoma oncological safety prevails. Patient selection is essential for this procedure.

Keywords : Partial cistectomy; Laparoscopy.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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