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Actas Urológicas Españolas

Print version ISSN 0210-4806


GOMEZ DE VICENTE, J.M. et al. Epidemiologic analysis of the clear-cell and chromophilic renal carcinoma. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2003, vol.27, n.1, pp.22-25. ISSN 0210-4806.

OBJECTIVE: Finding differences in the characteristics of the two most frequent variants of renal cancers: the clear-cell renal carcinoma, and the chromophilic one. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Restrospective analysis of epidemilogical characteristics of patients diagnosed of renal carcinoma in our hospital between 1991 and 2001. Statistical differences were searched between patients´ characteristics (age, sex, smoking habitus) and tumors´ characteristics (size, focality, stage, side and grade). RESULTS: Sixty six renal tumors were diagnosed, of which 41 (62.1%) were clear-cell tumors and 9 (13%) were chromophilic. We only found statistical differences between both subpopulations´ tumor size (p<0,05), being greater for clear-cell tumors (7 ± 3,92 cm) than for chromophilic ones (4,89 ± 1,96 cm). We could also appreciate a bias towards a less advanced stage of the chromophilic type, although not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Clear-cell renal carcinoma and chromophilic renal carcinoma are the two more frequent variants of renal tumors. The chromophilic type is smaller and is usually found in a less advanced stage, although this bias could not be demonstrated in our series.

Keywords : Renal neoplasms; Epidemiology.

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