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Actas Urológicas Españolas

Print version ISSN 0210-4806


BORRELL PALANCA, A. et al. Comparison of diferents suburethral slings for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2005, vol.29, n.8, pp.757-763. ISSN 0210-4806.

Objectives: To compare the results of the different procedures of sling suburetral used in our service (TVT®, Sparc®, IVS®, Obtape® and Monarc®) for the treatment of the female urinary incontinence. Material and methods: 96 patients retrospective analysis affects of female urinary incontinence and subjected to different procedures of sling suburethral without tension. The half age: 56,1 ± 10,7 years. 75 patients were intervened by means of procedures retropubics (48 TVT, 17 Sparc, 10 IVS) and 21 with obturators (10 Obtape, 11 Monarc). The half time of pursuit: 26,3 ± 12,7 months (29,4 months for the methods retropubics and 11,7 for the obturators). The analyzed variables were: age, obesity, grade of previous incontinence, type of used procedure, time of pursuit, and previous surgical procedures. We compare the complications and the results obtained with the different ones technical. Results: the cure percentage was of 95.7%. 7 patients presented complications: one intestinal perforation, two bladders perforations, one erosion of vaginal wall, three incontinences of novo urgency. In 6 cases the stress incontinence persists. When analyzing the association between the diverse variables and the success, we appreciate that the variables with value presage were the age and the obesity (P <0.05) not observing relationship with the technique employeed. Conclusions: The existence of multiple surgical approachs and a varied auxiliary materials allow each surgeon to choose that with the one that is more familiarized and comfortable without, seemingly, influence it in the results.

Keywords : Stress urinary incontinence; Treatment; Suburethral slings; Comparison.

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