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Actas Urológicas Españolas

Print version ISSN 0210-4806


RIOJA ZUAZU, J. et al. Gleason score 8-10 prostatic adenocarcinoma: prognostic influence in the biochemical progression free survival. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2008, vol.32, n.8, pp.792-798. ISSN 0210-4806.

Objective: Hereby, we analyze the characteristics of the clinical Gleason 8-10 group of patients with in our series diagnosed of Prostate Cancer and treated by means of radical prostatectomy, and we try to ascertain which are the influence factors within this group upon progression and progression free survival. Material and Methods: From the global series of 781 patients with T1-T2 prostate cancer treated by means of radical prostatectomy between 1990 and 2004, we study 108 with a Gleason score on the biopsy of 8-10. Median PSA was 12 ng/ml and 50% were T2. Variables related to biochemical progression and progression free survival have been studied, comparing the group of Gleason 8-10 with the rest and analyzing, within the Gleason 8-10 group which are the related variables with progression and progression free survival, trying to find a predictive model. Contingency tables and logistic regression have been employed. For the survival analysis, Kaplan Meyer curves, log-rank and Cox models. Results: Actual State: 62,7% (490/781) are alive and free of biochemical progression, 24,8% (194/781) are alive with biochemical progression, 2,9% (23/781) are dead by cancer and 1,9% (15/781) are dead by other cause and 7,6% (59/781) are lost. Biochemical progression study of the whole series (781 patients) Clinical Gleason score 8-10 is a influence factor on the univariate study (OR:2,61 IC 95%: 1,7-4). In the progression free survival study (PFS) of the whole series (781 patients) the PFS in Clinical Gleason 8-10 at 3 and 5 years is 56 ± 5% y 35±7%, significantly worse than the rest of the group (p<0,0001). In the multivariate study of the influence factors on the PFS includes Clinical Gleason Score 8-10 as an independent prognostic factor (OR:2,6 IC 95%: 1,6-4,12) p=0,003, together with the clinical stage (OR:1,81 IC95%:1,18-2,78) p<0,006, the PSA (OR: 1,03 IC 95%:1,025-1,046) p<0,0001 and the side of tumor on the biopsy (OR:1,5 IC 95%:1,01-2,24) p=0,045. In the clinical Gleason score 8-10 group the influent factors on the PFS are. PSA (OR:1,02 IC 95%:1,003-1,04) and pathological stage (OR:3,84 IC 95%: 1,77-8,27). Patients with a pT2 have a significantly better survival than those pT3 at 3 and 5 years (80±6%; 54±13% y 40±7%; 27±7%) (p<0,0001). The best cut point for the PSA is 11ng/ml. Patients with a PSA<11ng/ml have a 3 and 5 years survival better than those with >11ng/ml PSA (74±7%, 30±22% y 40±7%, 26±7%)(p<0,0001). Conclusions: Clinical Gleason Score 8-10 is a negative independent prognostic factor on the progression free survival, but its prognosis is better if they present a PSA prior surgery lower than 11 ng/ml and the pathological stage is a pT2.

Keywords : Prostate cancer; Gleason 8-10; Progression-free survival.

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