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Actas Urológicas Españolas

Print version ISSN 0210-4806


GARCIA MORUA, Alejandro; GUTIERREZ GARCIA, Jesús Domingo; MARTINEZ MONTELONGO, Rafael  and  GOMEZ GUERRA, Lauro Salvador. Use of alfuzosin for expulsion of stones in the distal third of ureter. Actas Urol Esp [online]. 2009, vol.33, n.9, pp.1005-1010. ISSN 0210-4806.

Introduction: Ureteral stones occur in approximately 12% of the population worldwide, and their incidence has significantly increased in recent years in Western countries. Seventy percent of ureteral stones are located in the distal third of the ureter. Several factors have a strong influence on spontaneous passage of ureteral stones, including stone size, shape, and location. Alpha blockers are currently attributed a potential role in rapid expulsion of stones in the distal third of the ureter. Materials and methods: Thirty patients diagnosed of stones in the distal third of ureter of sizes ranging from 4 mm and 10 mm were divided into two groups. The first group was given Buscopan 10 mg plus ketorolac 10 mg every 8 hours, while the second group received alfuzosin 10 mg every 24 hours. Results: In group 1, mean stone size was 6.4 mm. Stone expulsion occurred in only 4 patients after a mean of 11.4 days. In group 2, mean stone size was 5.8 mm, and stone expulsion occurred in 13 patients after a mean of 3.3 days.The two stones that were not passed where the biggest ones (9 mm and 10 mm). Conclusions: Use of alpha-adrenergic blockers for ureteral distal third stones has been shown to be effective for increasing the stone expulsion rate and even the number of stones passed, and for faster symptom relief.

Keywords : Ureteral stones; Alfuzosin; Alphablockers; Stone expulsion; Alpha-adrenergic receptors.

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