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Medicina Intensiva

Print version ISSN 0210-5691


REIS MIRANDA, D.; RIVERA-FERNANDEZ, R.  and  NAP, R.E.. Critical care medicine in the hospital: lessons from the EURICUS-studies. Med. Intensiva [online]. 2007, vol.31, n.4, pp.194-203. ISSN 0210-5691.

We have performed a retrospective analysis of the EURICUS-studies using their database at the Foundation for Research on Intensive Care in Europe (FRICE) and other related documents, among which the various reports produced to the European Union which granted the studies, with the following purposes: a) to select and describe the most relevant observational and experimental results of the EURICUS studies; b) to inventory the main obstacles to the appropriate organization of intensive care medicine in the Hospital and c) to highlight amid the acquired knowledge those subjects which could have a direct and primary impact for improving the organization and management of intensive care units (ICUs). The EURICUS-studies have shown a rather non-systematic variation on the variables of the organization and management, resulting in a significant waste of resources and in a generally perceived insufficient performance of ICUs in Europe. Three major roadblocks were found: a) the lack of a clear concept of Critical Care Medicine; b) the lack of defined objectives both regarding the planning of the facilities and the activities to be developed in the ICU and c) the lack of a purposeful organization and management of work in the ICU. The further development and integration of each ICU in the Hospital should consider the following: a) the system approach to the analysis and standardization of processes of care; b) the redefinition of all jobs in each ICU; c) the definition of patient/nurse ratios in each ICU and sibling departments and d) to professionalize the organization and management of the ICU.

Keywords : EURICUS studies; organization and management; processes of care; job-analysis.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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