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Medicina Intensiva

versión impresa ISSN 0210-5691


CERDA, G. de la et al. Validation of Intensive Medicine Degree in the United Kingdom. Med. Intensiva [online]. 2011, vol.35, n.1, pp.28-31. ISSN 0210-5691.

The speciality of Intensive Care Medicine was established over twenty years ago in Spain as part of the MIR (Resident training) system. The European Union allows for free circulation of its workers and the multilateral recognition of their university degrees as well as their postgraduate training. Unfortunately, our speciality is excluded from such a privilege. This limits our European rights and hinders the mobility of the intensivists trained in our country. The main objective of this article is to provide a practical guide on how to obtain recognition of the Spanish Certificate of Training (MIR system) in Intensive Care Medicine in the United Kingdom (UK). This review has been done by several Spanish intensivists with vast professional experience in the UK.

Palabras clave : Recognition; Certificate of Completion of Training; United Kingdom; Intensive Care Medicine.

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