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vol.44 número145Suicidio infanto-juvenil tras la pandemia de COVID-19: análisis de un fenómeno trágicoHeridas que no sangran: de pandemias, sanitarios y daño moral índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría

versión On-line ISSN 2340-2733versión impresa ISSN 0211-5735


LOPEZ-ALVAREZ, Marcelino. Social determinants of health and disease. An introductory overview. Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. [online]. 2024, vol.44, n.145, pp.47-69.  Epub 02-Ago-2024. ISSN 2340-2733.

The interest in the role that certain social factors play in the origin, evolution and possibilities of care of different mental health problems is growing, not only in the professional field. Under the expression "social determinants", we have information that, from epidemiology and social sciences, today allows a complementary overview of the clinical perspective, usually integrated into psychopathology through vulnerability models. But the specific information on mental health problems is integrated into a broader set of information about health and health problems and it is useful, before addressing the specifics, to have at least a minimal overview. Not only because "mental health" problems, with their specificity, are also "health problems", but because the relevant social factors are in both cases virtually the same. The article attempts to summarize the general lines of the current state of theoretical and technical knowledge on social determinants in the global set of health problems, through a narrative synthesis from a generic review on the subject.

Palabras clave : social determinants; health inequalities; public health; epidemiology; social sciences.

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