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vol.44 número145Diferencias de género e implicaciones en la adherencia y eficacia de un tratamiento psicoeducativo grupal en rehabilitación cardíacaEl insólito desarrollo de la primera cátedra de psiquiatría por concurso-oposición en España. Madrid: 1933-1947 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría

versión On-line ISSN 2340-2733versión impresa ISSN 0211-5735


MENENDEZ-OSORIO, Federico. The child's place in mental health: the subject approach versus the illness approach. The Psycho(patho)logization of childhood. Rev. Asoc. Esp. Neuropsiq. [online]. 2024, vol.44, n.145, pp.105-123.  Epub 02-Ago-2024. ISSN 2340-2733.

A reflection is made about the place of the child in the clinical practice. About the need to give them a place of speech which allows them to express and elaborate their demand, discomfort and suffering; a place of construction of their story, their narrative, in first-person statements. The importance of the function and value of the word and language, without reducing listening to a search for items to fit in a diagnosis, is highlighted. A subject approach versus an illness approach is defended. The need of understanding deficit and disorder as functional diversity and as creative mechanisms for reconstruction, adaptation and coping is pointed out. The psychopathologization and medicalization of the discomforts and problems of the child, which turn (with a biomedical preconception) conflictive or problematic behaviors or those that do not fit the norm into symptoms looking ad hoc for a diagnosis, are called into question. Meanwhile, due to ignorance and lack of resources, the child's serious mental problems remain unsolved. Other approaches and new paradigms of conceiving and understanding the child's psychic expression and discomforts, as well as other kinds of clinical intervention and other ways of dealing with child mental health care and assistance within the community framework, are needed.

Palabras clave : child mental health; narratives; subject approach vs. illness approach; psychopathologization; community mental health.

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