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Nutrición Hospitalaria
On-line version ISSN 1699-5198Print version ISSN 0212-1611
FRANCO-PEREZ, Álvaro Moisés and SENPE. Grupo CDC-Nut et al. The iberoamerican scientific production in nutritional sciences: the indexation in PubMed and Google Scholar. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2014, vol.30, n.5, pp.1165-1172. ISSN 1699-5198.
Objective: Analyze by bibliometric technique, the Iberoamerican scientific literature related to the nutritional sciences and retrieved on main search engines with free access through Internet (PubMed and Google Scholar). Method: Bibliometric analysis of scientific production recovered in the different selected search tools. The data were obtained by applying to each of them, a composed search equation according to the scheme: Population (neoplasms), Intervention (nutritional status), Outcome (quality of life). Results: 789 references were reviewed, 604 of those were papers published in 277 journals, presenting 20 or more references: Supportive Care in Cancer 27 (4,47%; CI95% 2,82-6,12) and Clinical Nutrition 20 (3,31%; CI95% 1,88-4,74). Mean age of documents: 8,08 ± 6,40 (CI95% 7,63-8,53), median 6 years (Burton Kleber Index), maximum 34 years and Price Index of 43.90%. The predominant geographical distribution among the authors was American, while the articles were written primarily in English. Dispersion of literature (Bradford Law): core (1st tertile), 22 journals (7,94%; CI95% 4,76-11,13) with 202 articles published (33,44%; CI95% 29,68-37,21). Statistics related to the impact factor of the core: mean 4,033 ± 4,022 and maximum 18,038 (Journal of Clinical Oncology). Conclusions: The studied thematic continues in force according to the current indicators, with a dominance of English as language of publication and United States filiation. The most referenced journals matching with high Impact publications on nutritional sciences and oncology. Highlighting the presence of an Iberoamerican journal (Nutrición Hospitalaria) with a clear international vocation.
Keywords : Search engine; Database; Information storage and retrieval; Bibliometric indicators; Bibliometrics.