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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versão On-line ISSN 1699-5198versão impressa ISSN 0212-1611


VILLACIS, Cecilia et al. Frequency of eating away-from-home and quality of dietary carbohydrate and fat in take in the SUN Project. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2015, vol.31, n.1, pp.466-474. ISSN 1699-5198.

Objective: To investigate the association between eating-away-from-home (EAFH) and a) the quality of dietary carbohydrate intake and b) the quality of fat intake. Material and methods: We assessed 19,371 participants in the SUN cohort who completed a validated baseline food frequency questionnaire. Quality indices of carbohydrate (CQI) and fat (FQI) were used. Multiple regression models were fitted to determine the association between the frequency of EAFH (4 categories) and both indices. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between the frequency of EAFH and low CQI or FQI (<25th percentile). Results: Participants showed an average CQI and FQI of 11,3 (SD 3,2) and 1,7 (SD 0,5), respectively. A higher frequency of EAFH (>2 times/week) was associated with a poorer CQI and a poorer FQI. For CQI, the adjusted mean difference was -0,29, 95%CI: -0,41, -0,17 (p for trend <0,001), and for FQI it was -0,02, 95%CI: -0,03, -0,001 (p for trend 0,03). Participants with a highest frequency (> 2 times/week) of EAFH had higher adjusted risk of a poorer CQI, (adjusted OR 1,31, 95%CI 1,17, 1,46, p for trend <0,001), but this habit (EAFH) was unrelated to FQI (adjusted OR 0,93, 95%CI: 0,83, 1,03, p for trend 0,194). Key findings: A higher frequency of EAFH was associated with a poorer quality of dietary fat, and particularly, dietary carbohohydrate. These findings highlight the importance of nutritional education addressed to consumers who frequently do out-of-home meals.

Palavras-chave : Eating away-from-home; Carbohydrate quality; Fat quality; Mediterranean Cohort.

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