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vol.32 número2Análisis de la calidad general y de la información contenida en páginas web sobre obesidad y trastornos de la alimentaciónEfectividad de una intervención educativa sobre el consumo de alimentos altos en calorías por niños de escuelas públicas de teresina, piauí (Brasil) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


GASPAROTTO, Guilherme da Silva; SILVA, Michael Pereira da; MEDEIROS CRUZ, Raphael Miranda  y  CAMPOS, Wagner de. Overweight and physical activity practice associated with eating behavior of brazilian college students. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2015, vol.32, n.2, pp.616-621. ISSN 1699-5198.

Introduction: inadequate food intake can compromise the cardiovascular health, which increases the chances of developing a number of diseases. The relation of inadequate intake of food and certain cardiovascular risk factors in young adult populations are not clear. Objective: the objective of this study was to investigate the association between eating habits of college students, excess body weight, high blood pressure and regular physical activity. Methods: cross sectional study was conducted with students from a Brazilian federal university. Were evaluated 1 599 students between 18 and 25 years old. An interview was conducted and included sociodemographic variables and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Was evaluated body composition (weight, height, calculate the BMI, and waist circumference (WC)). Eating habits and cardiovascular risk behaviors were evaluated by YRBSS -C (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance). Results: using the chi-square test was identified association between binge drink, consumption of fruits and consumption of salads / vegetables with regular physical activity. There was also an association between consumption of sweet and savory foods, with BMI and waist circumference high. The Logistic regression showed association between sweets intake (odds = 1.34) and savory foods (odds = 1.39) with high BMI. The analysis also showed an association between candy consumption (odds = 1.33), and savory consumption (odds = 1.74) with waist circumference. There was a relationship between MVPA and the binge drink (odds = 1.23), fruits consumption (1.46), and consumption of salads / vegetables (odds = 1.49). Thus, there was an association between the eating habits of college students with excess body weight as well as with regular physical activity.

Palabras clave : Eating behaviors; Overweight; Physical activity; College students.

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