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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


TAVANO-COLAIZZI, Loredana et al. The consumption of antioxidants protects against cognitive and physical disabilities in aged with obesity. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.4, pp.811-819.  Epub 18-Nov-2019. ISSN 1699-5198.


antioxidants play an important role in the antioxidant defense system. Obesity and the aging process increase oxidative stress. The disruption of the oxidant-antioxidant balance towards oxidant condition could be related to cognitive and physical disabilities.


to evaluate the consumption of antioxidants, the oxidative stress status and their relationship with cognitive and functional alterations in aged with obesity.


a cross-sectional study was conducted with 94 subjects ≥ 60 years stratified by body mass index (BMI) (76.6% were women). The antioxidants intake as well as cognitive and functional status were evaluated by validated surveys. The oxidative stress markers were thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and lipid-hydroperoxides (LOOH).


the antioxidants consumption of the participants was below the recommended daily intakes (RDI) independently of the BMI group. Especially, a lower consumption of vitamins E and D, selenium and -carotenes was observed. The concentration of TBARS was higher (p < 0.05) in the obese (1.2 µM) versus the normal weight group (0.7 µM). The concentration of LOOH in the normal weight group (17 µM) did not show statistical difference versus obese group (15 µM). The presence of obesity in aged showed an association with walking difficulties. Multivariable analysis adjusted for several variables showed that the intake of selenium, copper and magnesium is associated with lower risk of cognitive and physical disabilities.


aged with obesity showed a higher concentration of peripheral TBARS, walking difficulties and lower intake of antioxidants. The consumption of copper, selenium, and magnesium seems to protect against cognitive and physical disabilities in aged with obesity.

Palabras clave : Antioxidants; Obesity; Aged; Oxidative stress.

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