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Nutrición Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5198versión impresa ISSN 0212-1611


ARRIETA LOITEGUI, María et al. Black precipitate in parenteral nutrition. Nutr. Hosp. [online]. 2019, vol.36, n.4, pp.753-757.  Epub 17-Feb-2020. ISSN 1699-5198.


a black precipitate was observed in the filter during the infusion of a parenteral nutrition without lipids. There are similar findings published in which copper and sulphur (from cysteine) were found in the composition of the precipitate.


to determine if copper and cysteine are involved in the formation of the precipitate.


samples of the parenteral nutrition solution were taken before and after its passage through the filter. Amino acids concentrations were analysed in both samples by ion exchange chromatography and post-column derivatization with ninhydrin in a Biochrom 30 device. Copper concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry in a PerkinElmer AAnalyst(tm) 200 device.


a decrease in cysteine concentration of 29.3% was found. The concentration of copper decreased by 75.9%.


the decrease in the concentrations of cysteine and copper in the filtered solution suggest that both are involved in the formation of the black precipitate observed in the filter.

Palabras clave : Parenteral nutrition; Chemical precipitation; Filtration; Copper; Cysteine; Amino acids.

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