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Anales de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0212-7199


RUIZ-RUIZ, F. J. et al. Influence of age in mortality of patients with heart failure. An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2005, vol.22, n.9, pp.424-428. ISSN 0212-7199.

Objective: Heart failure (HF) is one of the most frequent diagnosis in Internal Medicine Units. High age of patients is an important characteristic in these admissions. Our objective was to evaluate how age interact with mortality, to medium-term, in HF after a decompensated episode. Method: Through the patient medical record we obtained data about patients hospitalised in a Internal Medicine Unit, with HF diagnosis, for a year (from September 2000 to August 2001) and their survival at 1st January 2003. 215 patients were reviewed. Results: During follow-up, 60 patients died (27.9% of overall). In elderly patients, we observed a higher number of women and less use of echocardiography and treatment with beta-blockers and warfarin (in patients with atrial fibrillation). In Cox proportional-hazards model, age (OR 1.043 IC 95% 1.002-1.085), days of hospitalization (OR 1.04 IC 95% 1.003-1.078), diabetes mellitus (OR 2.51 IC 95% 1.37-4.60) and do not prescribe warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation (OR 2.71 IC 95% 1.10-6.60) were independent prognostic factors. Conclusions: Age was an important prognostic factor in patients with HF. Clinical trials should be done in patients with these characteristics. So, we can know better clinical evolution of HF in this population.

Keywords : Heart failure; Prognosis; Mortality; Age; Internal Medicine; Elderly.

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