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Anales de Medicina Interna

Print version ISSN 0212-7199


SANCHEZ MUNOZ, L. A. et al. Usefulness of MBDS in detection of adverse drug events. An. Med. Interna (Madrid) [online]. 2007, vol.24, n.3, pp.113-119. ISSN 0212-7199.

Objective: To analyze the incidence of adverse drug events (ADE) as noted in hospital discharge reports, as well as their potential avoidability, drugs involved, clinical symptoms and the type of medication errors that led to the preventable ADE. Material and methods: A retrospective study for the January- December 2005 period of time, at a district hospital. ADE were detected in which patients with discharge reports including event codes as defined by the IDC-9-CM system, using the minimum basic data set (MBDS). Results: ADEs were detected in 4.01% of all discharge reports in the study period (n = 160). 45% of ADEs were were detected at the Emergency Department (n = 72) and 55% (n = 88) were detected during hospitalization. 62.3% of ADEs were considered potentially avoidable (n = 109). 38.1% of ADEs were serious, 40.0% moderate and 21.9% mild. Drugs most commonly involved in the ADEs sample studied included: antimicrobials (24.0%), systemic corticoids (15.4%), NSAIDs (11.4%), diuretics (10.3%), digoxin (9.1%), insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents (5.7%), anticoagulants and heparin (5.7%). Inadequate therapy monitoring (47.7%), excessive dosage (28.5%), drug-drug interactions (10.1%) were the most common identified type of errors leading to preventable ADE. Conclusions: 3.2% of admissions was caused by ADEs. 2.2% of hospitalized patients experienced ADEs. 62% of ADEs were potentially preventable. A high proportion of preventable ADEs were around a small number of drugs. Effective safety practices directed to reduce the incidence of medication errors are needed.

Keywords : Medication errors; Adverse drug events; Preventability; Drug therapy/ adverse effects; Drug-related adverse reactions.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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