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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


REBOLLEDO COBOS, M.; CANTILLO PAYARES, O.  y  DIAZ CABALLERO, A.. Peripheral odontogenic fibroma: A case report. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2010, vol.26, n.4, pp.183-187. ISSN 2340-3152.

The peripheral odontogenic fibroma is a tumor of the oral submucosa, or periodontal ligament caused by chronic irritation, local trauma, dental calculus foreign agents or certain agents that may transform the connective tissue of the mucous membranes in fibrous tissue. It is like slow growing, asymptomatic and sometimes regress when the etiologic factors are eliminated. Treatment consists of surgical excision and curettage of the base of the lesion to prevent recurrence. In this paper is presented a clinical case in the service of oral surgery and stomatology of a University in Cartagena Colombia, in a 36 years old patient, male and systemically healthy with clinical impression of peripheral odontogenic fibroma located in the anterior third of right palate hard, ulcers and asymptomatic one years of evolution. It was tested different studies, such as panoramic radiographs, periapical and occlusal, for discard condition involving hard tissues. Before signing an informed consent was performed surgical procedure that consisted of surgical excision of the lesion for subsequent histopathological analysis that confirmed the diagnosis.

Palabras clave : Odontogenic tumor; gingival hyperplasia; surgical procedures; operative.

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