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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


GOLASZEWSKI, A.M.; DIAZ, N.  y  VILLARROEL-DORREGO, M.. Tissue and cellular changes related to smoking in clinically healthy oral mucosa: a cross sectional study. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2015, vol.31, n.6, pp.363-370. ISSN 2340-3152.

The constant contact of cigarette smoke and its components with the oral mucosa leads to a series of microscopic architectural changes of the mucosa.The aim of the study was to determine tissue and cellular changes caused by smoking in the oral mucosa of normal appearance. Methods: 30 patients aged between 19 and 29 years of age were included in the study. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to their smoking status. A sample of oral mucosa was taken during extraction of third molar, and then processed and stained for H&E. Biopsies were evaluated under light microscope and the data analyzed statistically. Results: 100% of non-smokers showed parakeratinized epithelia and orthokeratin was observed in 90% of smoker cases (p= 0.0001). Basal layer was preserved in all healthy individuals, contrary to 60% of smokers showed basal hyperplasia (p= 0.003). Inflammatory infiltrated was observed augmented in smokers but difference was not statically significant. However, in this group number of blood vessels was statistically decreased. Conclusions: Oral mucosa of tobacco users shows tissue and cellular changes which may lead to malignant development. Carcinogenic risk may be present although absence of clinical changes.

Palabras clave : Smoking; oral mucosa; epithelial dysplasia; immunological response.

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