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Avances en Odontoestomatología
versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285
REBOLLEDO COBOS, M.; ARANGO FERNANDEZ, H.; REBOLLEDO COBOS, R. y ALONSO BRUJES, I.. Role of human papillomavirus in the development of oral carcinoma: a review. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2016, vol.32, n.3, pp.135-144. ISSN 2340-3152.
Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) represents the malignant disease entity most prevalent in the oral cavity. Although multiple studies support that the appearance of this disease is idiopathic nature, risk factors such as alcohol and exposure to snuff are directly triggers the onset of this cancer entity, leaving aside the predisposition to oral cancer (CO) by the hereditary genetic coding among other aspects. Today it has been demonstrated that infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) and related injuriesthat are deeply associated CO as a potential etiology and are usually related tochanged sexual habits. Objectives: The deepening of concepts, effects and effective means of diagnosis to establish relationships with the CO HPV, the virus biology and carcinogenic behavior, were the objectives of this publication likewise determine predisposing risk factors for malignant lesions own HPV incidence and prevalence in the community. Methods: A search of scientific papers was conducted in Spanish and English in the last 15 years in the database PubMed to do relationship, oral cancer, HPV and SCC. Conclusions: Timely clinical lesions caused by HPV, accurate identification can be established from the behavior, evolution of the injury and in turn the presence of dysplastic activity and/or anaplastic itself. It should highlight the importance of using auxiliary to clinical examinations, such as the exfoliative cytology, biopsy, genetic and molecular analyzes to establish jointly and accurate way the behavior, evolution and prognosis of acondition HPV.
Palabras clave : Virus; papilloma; oral cancer; cancers; squamous cell carcinoma.