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Avances en Odontoestomatología

versión On-line ISSN 2340-3152versión impresa ISSN 0213-1285


QUINTANILLA SFEIR, M; AMIGO VASQUEZ, S; QUINTANILLA SFEIR, F  y  HIDALGO RIVAS, A. Bilateral mandibular infected buccal cyst in second permanent molars: a case report. Av Odontoestomatol [online]. 2018, vol.34, n.1, pp.19-24. ISSN 2340-3152.

The mandibular infected buccal cyst is an infrequent lesion, of unknown etiology, presented usually in 6-13-year-old children. Generally, this cyst occurs unilaterally, in association with tooth eruption of first lower permanent molars. With a lower frequency, it can affect second lower permanent molars. The associated tooth is found to be vital, with an altered eruption pattern. This tooth may show some symptoms, such as sensitivity, clinical appearance of periodontal pocket, swelling of the buccal vestibule and suppuration. Moreover, a delayed eruption of the involved molar can be seen, with its crown buccally tilted. The imaging examination shows a radiolucent lesion over the crown and rootsof the involved tooth, surrounded by a concave up radiopaque inferior margin. This cyst does not have any specific histological features; thus, its diagnosis should be performed based on its clinical, histological and imaging features. An unusual clinical case of a mandibular infected buccal cyst involving both second permanent mandibular molars is reported.

Palabras clave : Mandibular infected buccal cyst; buccal bifurcation cyst; paradental cyst; inflammatory cyst; odontogenic cyst.

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