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Gaceta Sanitaria

versão impressa ISSN 0213-9111


ALLER, Marta-Beatriz et al. Doctors' opinions on clinical coordination between primary and secondary care in the Catalan healthcare system. Gac Sanit [online]. 2019, vol.33, n.1, pp.66-73.  Epub 28-Out-2019. ISSN 0213-9111.


To analyse doctors’ opinions on clinical coordination between primary and secondary care in different healthcare networks and on the factors influencing it.


A qualitative descriptive-interpretative study was conducted, based on semi-structured interviews. A two-stage theoretical sample was designed: 1) healthcare networks with different management models; 2) primary care and secondary care doctors in each network. Final sample size (n = 50) was reached by saturation. A thematic content analysis was conducted.


In all networks doctors perceived that primary and secondary care given to patients was coordinated in terms of information transfer, consistency and accessibility to SC following a referral. However, some problems emerged, related to difficulties in acceding non-urgent secondary care changes in prescriptions and the inadequacy of some referrals across care levels. Doctors identified the following factors: 1) organizational influencing factors: coordination is facilitated by mechanisms that facilitate information transfer, communication, rapid access and physical proximity that fosters positive attitudes towards collaboration; coordination is hindered by the insufficient time to use mechanisms, unshared incentives in prescription and, in two networks, the change in the organizational model; 2) professional factors: clinical skills and attitudes towards coordination.


Although doctors perceive that primary and secondary care is coordinated, they also highlighted problems. Identified factors offer valuable insights on where to direct organizational efforts to improve coordination.

Palavras-chave : Clinical coordination between care levels; Integrated health care; Interprofessional relations; Organizational models; Qualitative research.

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