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versão On-line ISSN 1886-1415versão impressa ISSN 0214-7823
GARCIA-HARO, Juan et al. Suicide and mental disorder: a necessary critique. Pap. Psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.41, n.1, pp.35-42. Epub 10-Maio-2021. ISSN 1886-1415.
This article analyzes, from a critical and reflexive approach, the relationship between suicide and mental disorder. The World Health Organization figure reporting that 90% of suicides are due to a mental disorder is debated. It is concluded that an uncritical assumption of this figure implies: 1) a confusion between a risk factor and a psychiatric causality, 2) a reductionist idea of suicide and suicidal behavior seen as a "symptom", a "natural" evolution, or even as a mental disorder in itself, and 3) finally, it involves the cancellation of the intimate nucleus of the suicidal phenomenon that is the decision-action capacity of a person-in-a-context. These conclusions help us to think about suicide in a way that goes beyond the biomedical approach and the diagnostic factor.
Palavras-chave : Mental disorders; Psychopathology; Suicide; Suicide attempt; Risk factors.