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Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología

Print version ISSN 0365-6691


DRAKE-CASANOVA, P. et al. HIV retinal vasculitis. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.85, n.1, pp.32-34. ISSN 0365-6691.

Case report: We present a case of a 47 year-old woman, infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) diagnosed 5 years ago without receiving any treatment, who had floaters in her left eye. A peripheral retinal vasculitis was discovered and confirmed by an angiography. No source of infection was found, antiretroviral and corticosteroid treatment was given, with a complete resolution of the vasculitis. Discussion: From 70-80% of positive untreated HIV patients develop ocular complications, with intraocular inflammation in more than half of them. Intraocular inflammation can be associated with opportunistic infections, tumours and as in our case, secondary to the HIV. Antiretroviral therapy is the proper treatment in these patients.

Keywords : HIV uveitis; HIV infection; HIV retinitis; AIDS; HIV.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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