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Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología
Print version ISSN 0365-6691
RIVERO, V.; MERINO, P.; GOMEZ DE LIANO, P. and FRANCO, G.. Overcorrection secondary to augmented rectus muscle transposition. Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol [online]. 2010, vol.85, n.5, pp.187-188. ISSN 0365-6691.
Case report: Patient with abducens palsy treated with Foster technique after injection of botulinum toxin. Exotropia, adduction limitation, face-turn inversion and diplopia were observed during the post-operative period. He was reinterviened by performing a resection on the medial rectus of the affected and toxin was injected into the lateral rectus, as it was technically impossible to remove the scleral fixation with an acceptable result. Two years later diplopia and increased exotropia reoccurred which again required resection. Conclusions: The Foster technique is our technique of choice in complete abducens palsy, however it is important to point out that there could be complications, such as overcorrections.
Keywords : Abducens palsy; Augmented muscle transposition; Scleral fixation; Postsurgical overcorrection; Recurrent exotropia.