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Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana

On-line version ISSN 1989-2055Print version ISSN 0376-7892


COIFFMAN, F.. Treatment of venous malformations with cooper wires. Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. [online]. 2011, vol.37, n.2, pp.155-160. ISSN 1989-2055.

Vascular injuries of the skin constitute the most frequent congenital anomaly. They go from a simple pink stain, up to tumors that can cause great deformities. Most of them disappears in the first year of life. Other, suffers spontaneous involution in the first 6 years. They are more frequent in woman and in white race. There are multiple treatments, but none gives absolute guarantees. On the basis of the observations of rural people, who notice that an injury of this type, when it is punctioned or sore reduces its size, Wang in China, recommended to punction all the venous malformations with needles of copper and to apply on them light electrical unloads. We modify the method implanting simple wires of copper using a straight long needle and under local anaesthesia, ambulatory, creating a cross area of wires in the injury. After a week we extract them. The irritation that we produce stimulates the intravascular coagulation and when hematomas are solved, the malformation disappears or at least it reduces considerably of size. If it is necessary, we resect the remaining skin later under local anaesthesia also in ambulatory form. This method results very effective in our hands, is simple, economic and can be practised by any surgeon. In 68 cases treated in the last 15 years, we have not had serious complications, except pain and edema in the innmediate postoperatory.

Keywords : Venous malformations; Hemangioma; Cooper wires.

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