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Oncología (Barcelona)

versão impressa ISSN 0378-4835


GONZALEZ MARTIN, A. et al. Second lines in ovary cancer: is there a standard?. Oncología (Barc.) [online]. 2007, vol.30, n.1, pp.13-21. ISSN 0378-4835.

Recurrent ovarian carcinoma is usually incurable and palliative chemotherapy is the treatment of choice. In those patients considered as platinum-sensitive (with a platinum-free interval over 6 months) we have enough evidence to recommend carboplatin-based combination chemotherapy, due to the impact in survival observed in clinical trials comparing carboplatin monotherapy versus combination chemotherapy. On the other band, in those patient with progression to a platinum based chemotherapy (refractory) or with relapse in a period of less than 6 months (resistant), sequential monotherapy with active drugs in the second line is the recommended approach. The absence of a standard drug in this context makes that the choice should be based on toxicity criteria, quality of life and the preference of the patient.

Palavras-chave : Recurrent ovarian cancer; Second line; Platinum sensitive; Platinum resistant.

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