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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo
versión On-line ISSN 1989-7790versión impresa ISSN 0465-546X
MUNOZ SANCHEZ, Alba Idaly y CASTRO SILVA, Eliana. Health promotion in the workplace: between ideal and unreal. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2010, vol.56, n.221, pp.288-305. ISSN 1989-7790.
Workplace Health Promotion is an important strategy to address holistically the health and safety at work, despite the conditions of precariousness and labor flexibility, hampering the principles advocated by the strategy. Objective: to describe the application of principles such as participation, social justice, integrity, sustainability and multi-sectoral in the implementation of occupational health programs in third-level hospitals of Bogotá, during the second half of 2009. Materials and methods: a case study, descriptive and cross-sectional, based on the fundamental principles of Health Promotion, using questionnaires developed to describe aspects such as organizational policy, support resources, planning, implementation and results achieved with the implementation of the strategy. Results: The defined policies are consistent with the purposes of the strategies analyzed; however there is no consistency in their application in practice as seen in resource allocation constraints, lack of staff participation, lack of recognition for the work performed, traditional planning and dismantling activities with other sector institutions, among others. Conclusions: conceptual limitations and resources to implement the strategy, as disjointed work in sectors such as education, insurance companies, etc.; involves the wastage of better possibilities to adapt the work environment.
Palabras clave : Health promotion; Workplace; Occupational Health; Health Care Sector.