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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo
versión On-line ISSN 1989-7790versión impresa ISSN 0465-546X
BETANCOURT, Gaetano Pepe; DA SILVA SANCHEZ, Tonny Hibsen y CARUS, Ivanio Godoy. Genetic polymorphism linked to the probability of developing occupational asthma in workers exposed to isocyanates. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2014, vol.60, n.234, pp.239-259. ISSN 1989-7790. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S0465-546X2014000100016.
Introduction: Technological development has led to the use of chemicals potentially damaging to workers' health. In particular, the use of isocyanates has resulted in a greater morbidity caused by respiratory pathology, especially asthma. Considering that not all the exposed workers develop the disease, a gene-environment interaction model has been proposed, which tries to explain the genetic predisposition that some individuals have and others have not to develop occupational asthma. Objective: To find out about the scientific evidence related to the genetic polymorphism and workers exposed to isocyanates' susceptibility to develop occupational asthma. Methods: We conducted a systematic review. Bibliographic electronic searches were conducted in PubMedline databases, as well as in Dialnet and ELSEVIER repositories. Papers related to this review's objective were retrieved, without applying temporary filters, using the following descriptors: MeSH Major Topic, MeSH Terms. Search period started on November 20th 2013 and ended on December 15th 2013. We established the level of evidence according to GRADE criteria. Results: Forty-two full-text papers were analyzed, scientific evidence being supported by eleven case-control studies. Given the complexity of the genetic polymorphism associated with disease phenotype, as a limitation from the studies, authors agree that the sample size is not large enough, yet the papers found obtained a GRADE B level of evidence after adjustment for confounding factors. Conclusion: Genetics has a significant influence on isocyanate-induced occupational asthma. The weight of genetic susceptibility and gene-environment interaction remains unclear. Understanding these relationships has implications for workers' health, given the influence that some workplace factors have on genetic risk, which can and must be modified.
Palabras clave : occupational asthma; isocyanates; susceptibility; genetic polymorphism.