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Medicina y Seguridad del Trabajo

versão On-line ISSN 1989-7790versão impressa ISSN 0465-546X


LOPEZ-GUILLEN GARCIA, Araceli  e  VICENTE PARDO, José Manuel. Incapacity Map in Spain, an Urge Necessity. Med. segur. trab. [online]. 2015, vol.61, n.240, pp.378-392. ISSN 1989-7790.

Summary: It urges to adapt the work-incapacity data collecting systems in order to obtain a better epidemiological use to better know the situation, analysis and strategic planning about incapacity, using a basic minimum database to elaborate the Incapacity Disability Map in Spain. It will allow us to know the causes and impact of the work-incapacity situation, to practice an integral resources management as well as the work-incapacity situations, to strengthen not only the mechanisms for disease detection but the occupational health preventive aspects and to improve not only the health management which is required but the social and work security/ protection. Conclusions: We propose the minimum database to elaborate the work disability map. Knowing the disabling impact of the health loss in the working population it will allow us to a better management and adaptation of attentional, promotional, preventive, rehabilitate, recovery and social benefit- resources around the temporary and permanent work disability or incapacity. To know our people "incapacitated (sickness)" is central to any analysis of impact and social protection needs, to contrast with the workforce population, the population in training or inactive previous-to-the-working-age population, and the retired inactive population.

Palavras-chave : map of work disability; big data in work incapacity; public health management.

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