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vol.100 número4Seguimiento a largo plazo con cápsula endoscópica de pacientes con angiodisplasia de intestino delgado: Determinantes de un alto impacto clínico y de tasa de resangradoExpresión génica en pacientes obesos con enfermedad hepática por depósito de grasa índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Española de Enfermedades Digestivas

versión impresa ISSN 1130-0108


LOPEZ-ALONSO, G. et al. Results of the treatment of chronic hepatitis C genotype 4: A comparative analysis with genotype 1. Rev. esp. enferm. dig. [online]. 2008, vol.100, n.4, pp.208-211. ISSN 1130-0108.

Introduction: nearly all the data on the efficacy of combined antiviral therapy on chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 have been obtained in countries of Middle East. Genotype 4 is quite unusual in Spain. We report our experience in a group of Spanish patients treated with homogeneous criteria. Patients and methods: between 2001 and 2007 we have treated 30 patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 4 (20 males) with pegylated Interferon a-2b (26 cases) or a-2a (4 cases) combined with ribavirin at a weight-adjusted dose. Results of therapy are known in all patients and liver biopsy is available in 24 cases. Results: ten patients (33.3%) obtained sustained viral response (SVR: HCV-RNA undetectable in blood 6 months after the end of therapy), 12 were primary non-responders, 4 relapsed after reaching undetectable HCV-RNA at the end of therapy and 4 interrupted the treatment due to severe adverse events. These results are very close to those obtained in 355 patients infected with HCV genotype 1. Conclusion: HCV genotype 4 should be considered as "difficult to treat". The better results of therapy in other geographical areas (Middle East) may be due to a different distribution of the subtypes of HCV genotype 4.

Palabras clave : Chronic hepatitis C; Hepatitis C virus genotype 4; Pegylated interferon; Ribavirin.

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