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Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

versión On-line ISSN 2173-9161versión impresa ISSN 1130-0558


SANCHEZ ACEDO, Celia; NAVAL GIAS, Luis; NAVAL PARRA, Beatriz  y  CAPOTE MORENO, Ana. Riesgo de fractura implantaria en relación con el diámetro y la plataforma del implante: estudio clínico y analítico de una serie de 33 casos. Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.1, pp.11-17. ISSN 2173-9161.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the importance of implant design in regard of the type of prosthetic connection and the platform-diameter implant body-diameter ratio, in the development of implant fracture (IF). Material and method: We analyze a group of 33 fractured implants between 2000 and 2010. We recorded different data related to the implant and prosthetic rehabilitation used and we looked for statistical significant differences regarding prosthetic connection and the platform-diameter and implant body-diameter ratio in external hex implants (3.75mm implant body-diameter or wider compared to 3,4mm implants both with 4.1mm platform). Results: The 33 analyzed implant fractures occurred in a total of 23 patients, 13 fractures (8 patients) occurred in implants placed outside our department and the remaining 20 (15 patients) on the pool of 2.765 implants placed in our department of Oral Surgery. Within this group, we compared the frequency of implant fracture of the 3.4mm body-diameter implants to the 3.75mm or wider bodydiameter implants (both with 4.1mm diameter-platform) finding significant differences between both groups (P=.02). No statistical difference was found when comparing internal vs external hex prosthetic connection (P=.7). Conclusions: Implant fracture is a rare complication. The incidence in our patient group was 0,72%. Risk of implant fracture is closely related to implant design, therefore existing a high risk in implants that have a large discrepancy between neck and implant body diameter, i.e. implant fracture occurs more frequently in narrow implants that have a wide platform. The type of prosthetic connection appears to be unrelated.

Palabras clave : Implant failure; Implant fracture; Mechanical problems; Implant design.

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