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vol.35 número2Distorsión en imágenes obtenidas mediante tomografía computarizada de conoGuía práctica para disección e identificación de estructuras anatómicas a nivel facial en un animal porcino índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

versión On-line ISSN 2173-9161versión impresa ISSN 1130-0558


ACED JIMENEZ, Elena et al. Update on facial filler microimplants and their durability. Rev Esp Cirug Oral y Maxilofac [online]. 2013, vol.35, n.2, pp.59-68. ISSN 2173-9161.

Introduction and aim: The use of facial filling materials for the correction of wrinkles, folds and other faults is increasingly demanded by our patients. They are materials that on having been infiltrated lead to an increase in volume. These products can be classified depending on the time of they remain in the body and as temporary or biodegradable (between 4 and 8 months), semi-permanent (between 12 and 18 months) and permanent (not biodegradable). The aim of this work is to review the facial filling materials that are currently approved by the Spanish Medicines and Health Devices Agency (AEMPS) in September, 2010. Material and methods: The official web page of the AEMPS was searched for facial filling materials approved in September, 2010. A review was then made of the most recent scientific literature on these materials. Results: The temporary materials used are hyaluronic acid, collagen and agarose gel, with polylactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, and polycaprolactone as semi-permanent materials, and polymethyl methacrylate and the acrylamides in the group of the permanent materials. Discussion: The ideal characteristics for a facial filler are that it should be biocompatible, non-carcinogenic, non-teratogenic, non-migratory, and have satisfactory results with permanence. These types of materials are health products and must comply with the regulations of the AEMPS. Therefore, they must only be used by qualified professionals specifically trained in this area. Conclusions: The temporary face fillers are those that are most used for aesthetic purposes. Nevertheless, knowledge is required on the nature of every material, its indications, and the possible complications that can appear after his use, to be able to achieve the maximum benefits and obtain the best possible results.

Palabras clave : Face filler material; Facial filling; Biodegradable; Microfillers.

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