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versão impressa ISSN 1130-1473


MARTINEZ, F. et al. Topographyc anatomy of the asterion. Neurocirugía [online]. 2005, vol.16, n.5, pp.441-446. ISSN 1130-1473.

Background. In the surgical approaches to the posterior fossa, the accurate location of the transverse-sigmoid sinus (TS-SS) complex is of great importance. The asterion is a referal landmark to the transverse sinus location. Method. Twenty-Iive skulls of adult cadavers were studied. We seek for the relationships of the asterion with: TS location, mastoid emissary vein, suprameatal crest and inion. Results. The asterion was found in 49 cases. In the great majority of cases (87.8%) the asterion was over the TS (72.2% over the sinus proper, 27.8% over the TS-SS transition). The mastoid emissary vein was present in 46 cases, and in 36% we found two veins. Discussion and conclusions. The burr hole for posterolateral approaches to the posterior fossa must be located below and behind the asterion.

Palavras-chave : Asterion; Posterior fossa; Transverse sinus; Lateral sinus; Mastoid emissary vein.

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