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Clínica y Salud

versión On-line ISSN 2174-0550versión impresa ISSN 1130-5274


LOPEZ ESPINO, Manuel  y  MINGOTE ADAN, José Carlos. Fibromyalgia. Clínica y Salud [online]. 2008, vol.19, n.3, pp.343-358. ISSN 2174-0550.

Fibromyalgia was recognized in 1992 as a clinical entity by the WHO, naming it "Fibromyalgia Syndrome", and including it in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD). The WHO defines a clinical entity as "the deterioration or interruption of the structure or function of a part of the body of which characteristic symptoms and signs, aetiology, pathogenesis and prognosis may be known or not". These conditions appear in the kind of Fibromyalgia which shows typical symptoms and signs and multi-factor aetiopathogenesis combining genetic and epigenetic factors that lead to a persistent alteration of CNS self regulating system against pain and stress.

Palabras clave : Fibromyalgia; Clinical entity; Prevalence; Treatment.

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