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Farmacia Hospitalaria
On-line version ISSN 2171-8695Print version ISSN 1130-6343
LOPEZ-NOGUERA, Queralt et al. Evolution of the SEFH's “Proyecto 2020” in a Hospital Pharmacy Department. Farm Hosp. [online]. 2022, vol.46, n.1, pp.3-9. Epub Sep 12, 2022. ISSN 2171-8695.
To describe the evolution of our Pharmacy Service in relation to the objectives of Proyecto 2020 (Project 2020) of the Sociedad Española Farmacia Hospitalaria (Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy), to identify weak points, and to implement improvement actions to achieve the set objectives.
A 10-year prospective observational study. We analysed the initial situation of the Pharmacy Service and conducted follow-up reassessments. We developed a questionnaire comprising the 28 goals of the five strategic focus areas (blocks) of the project based on a 4-level quantitative classification of these goals: level A, implementation in all areas (3 points); level B, implementation in some areas (2 points); level C, not implemented, but formally discussed (1 point); or level D, not addressed (0 points). After each assessment, we identified the goals with the lowest scores and determined which improvement actions needed to be implemented. After each assessment, the targets with lower score were identified and improvement actions needed to be implemented were decided.
The initial assessment was conducted in 2010. The overall score was 42/84 and the highest score (7/9) related to the block scientific evidence. The follow-up reassessments (2014, 2019) and the final one (2020) showed an overall gradual increase in level A scores (18% vs 53%) and a decrease in level C (43% vs 4%) and D objectives (14% vs 4%). All blocks improved their score, obtaining a final score of 68/84 (31% increase). A total of 18 weak points were identified and appropriate improvement actions were implemented, which included automation, quality management, the creation of multidisciplinary working groups, the prevention of medication errors, the incorporation of intelligent pumps or therapeutic drug monitoring among other solutions.
Projects promoted by scientific societies help to prioritize improvement actions in health organizations that contribute to improve their quality. Follow up conducted within Project 2020 has led to improvements in all blocks and positive impacts on the quality of pharmaceutical practice.
Keywords : Hospital Pharmacy Service; Strategic planning; Pharmaceutical care; Medication therapy management; Quality of health care; Safety management; Certification.