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vol.46 número5Interacciones farmacológicas en una unidad de cuidados intensivos y comparación de las actualizaciones de dos bases de datosEventos adversos autoinformados en los siete días posteriores a la vacunación con Spikevax® (Moderna) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Farmacia Hospitalaria

versión On-line ISSN 2171-8695versión impresa ISSN 1130-6343


VALCUENDE-ROSIQUE, Alejandro et al. Evaluation of persistence, retention “rate” and prescription pattern of original infliximab and infliximab CT-P13 in biologic-naïve patients with ulcerative colitis. Farm Hosp. [online]. 2022, vol.46, n.5, pp.296-300.  Epub 19-Dic-2022. ISSN 2171-8695.


To compare the persistence, retention rate and prescription pattern of original infliximab and infliximab CT-P13 in biologic-naïve patients with ulcerative colitis.


This was an ambispective study of biologic-naive patients with ulcerative colitis who received non-simultaneous first-line treatment with Remicade ® (infliximab) and Remsima® (infliximab CT-P13) over a 10-year study period (2012-2021). Data on their age, weight, persistence, retention rate and on whether they required intensification or deintensification throughout the study period was collected. The real patient/year cost of Remicade® and Remsima® was determined individually based on the amounts administered during the study period.


27 biologic-naive patients were treated with Remicade® and 53 with Remsima®. Neither patient group presented with differences in terms of weight and age. Persistence (median ± interquartile range) with Remicade® was 42.49 ± 57.48 months, as compared to 27.50 ± 58.50 months for Remsima®, without significant differences (p = 0.455). The retention rate at 6, 12, and 24 months was 81%, 63%, and 33%, respectively, for the Remicade® group and 71%, 47%, and 37%, respectively, for the Remsima® group. Nine subjects in the Remicade® group vs 11 patients in the Remsima® group were intensified. Regarding deintensification, five patients treated with Remicade® were deintensified, as compared with 7 patients on Remsima®. Savings obtained with the use of Remsima® amounted to 203,649 €, which would allow treating an additional 118 patients with biosimilar infliximab for one year.


There are no significant differences in persistence, retention, and number of intensifications or deintensifications between biologic-naïve patients treated with Remicade® and those treated with Remsima®, the latter being an effective, safe and economical alternative for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

Palabras clave : Infliximab; Infliximab CT-P13; Biosimilar pharmaceuticals; Ulcerative colitis; Persistence; Retention rate.

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