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vol.12 número10Versión española del cuestionario de Yesavage abreviado (GDS) para el despistaje de depresión en mayores de 65 años: adaptación y validación índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1131-5768


SOS TENA, P. et al. Professional burnout in general practitioners in Barcelona. Medifam [online]. 2002, vol.12, n.10, pp.17-25. ISSN 1131-5768.

Objective: to describe job burnout and to analyse the influence of the sociodemographic variables.  Design: observational descriptive transversal study.  Emplacement: 93 Primary Health Care centres in the province of Barcelona.  Method: individual or collective direct interview to 528 Primary Health Care physicians. Two questioners were administrated for sociodemographic data and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).  Results: the 40% of the interviewed physicians had some burnout symptom without any difference between sexes. The 12.4% of these ones showed very high burnout levels.  Conclusions: nowadays the percentage gives in general practitioners show high burnout, mainly the professionals give half age (37-45 years old) that work more then 40 weekly hours than 10 years in the same center.

Palavras-chave : Burnout professional; Primary Health Care; Family physicians.

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