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vol.32 número3La solicitud sexual y las interacciones sexualizadas de menores con adultos: su prevalencia, solapamiento con otras formas de cibervictimización y relación con la calidad de vida índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psychosocial Intervention

versión On-line ISSN 2173-4712versión impresa ISSN 1132-0559


CHO, Sujung; KIM, Chunrye  y  GATEWOOD-OWENS, Jennifer. Understanding of factors associated with reporting to the police, helping seeking, and adopting in self-protection among stalking victims: a latent class analysis. Psychosocial Intervention [online]. 2023, vol.32, n.3, pp.141-154.  Epub 05-Feb-2024. ISSN 2173-4712.

Victims of stalking use multiple help-seeking behaviors including reporting their experiences to the police, obtaining a restraining order, blocking communication, and relying on informal social networks like friends, family, or therapists. The goal of this study is to, first, identify distinct subgroups of stalking victims based on their help-seeking behaviors. Next, we identify the direct effect of sex, victim-offender relationship, and offense severity on class membership. Finally, we include negative emotions as a mediating effect. Using the 2016 National Crime Victimization Survey's Supplemental Victimization Survey data, latent class analysis was utilized to identify class membership among 1,459 stalking victims. The results indicate three groups: passive help-seekers, informal help-seekers, and active help-seekers. We found that females are more likely to be assigned to the active or informal group and these two groups appear to experience more severe stalking behaviors compared to the passive group. Specifically, victims were less likely to ask for help actively and ask family, friends, and non-professional people for help for whom stalking took place by other/unable to identify individuals. Victims whose stalkers had a criminal record, whose stalkers threatened themselves or others, as well as who suffered stalking lasting for months and the most often were more likely to ask for help actively and ask family, friends, and non-professional people for help. The significance of victims' perceptions of severity of both groups is only partially mediated by negative emotions.

Palabras clave : Stalking; Help-seeking; Latent class analysis; Negative emotions; Victim-offender relationship.

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