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Index de Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296
SOBRIDO PRIETO, M. et al. Spanish nursing journal in national and international databases. Index Enferm [online]. 2005, vol.14, n.48-49, pp.74-77. ISSN 1699-5988.
Background. The fast growing of health bibliographic production and the increasing need of knowing the bibliography makes databases one of the most useful tool for the information selective retrieval. Objective. The aim of this work is to analyse the presence of scientific Spanish nursing journals in specific national databases (Cuiden, Cuidatge, BDIE, ENFISPO; IME) and international ones (CINAHL and Medline).Methodology. For this work it has been made a checklist with indexed journals in all selected databases. It has been analysed their presence in the 7 databases.Results. 116 journals had been located dealed in the following databases: Cuiden is the most important national database with 102 journals followed by Cuidatge (56). Enfispo (26), IME (8) and BDIE (7) and Between international databases CINAHL only hast t6 and Medline 3 spanish nursing journals. If we study journals presents on databases, only the 61,5 % appear in one database. In any case we didn’t find any journal present in all databases and only in 3 cases we localized journals presents in 5 of 7 analysed databases. Discussion/conclusions. The poor visibility of Spanish nursing journals is because of the rare presence of journals on database, so, in consequence, they don’t receive enough recognition by scientific community.