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Index de Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296
GALVEZ TORO, Alberto; HUESO MONTORO, César and AMEZCUA, Manuel. International journals nursing: Spanish-Portuguese scientific community (year 2002)International journals nursing: spanish-portuguese scientific community (year 2002). Index Enferm [online]. 2005, vol.14, n.50, pp.72-76. ISSN 1699-5988.
Objective: to determine the existence of international nursing magazines in the Latin American area. Methods: longitudinal, bibliographical, retrospective study based on the analysis of the responsibility of articles of 33 nursing magazines from the Spanish and Portuguese linguistic area. In order to research the international nature of the publications, a double criterion was used simultaneously: the international contribution, that is, the publication of articles from foreign authors; and the CUIDEN® Immediate Repercussion (Rci) for the year of study, understood as an indicator of the present and visible consumption that an international community does of a scientific magazine. Results: The index of international contribution was 6%, with a group of 14 magazines without contribution and a nucleus of seven magazines with an equal value or over 15%. Three magazines achieved the double criterion to consider its international nature: Index de Enfermería, Desarrollo Científico de Enfermería y Gerokomos, although it is possible to define a nucleus with a greater scope. Conclusions: None of the 33 magazines has a universal scope in the Latin American area, neither from a consumption point of view, nor its quotation or the international contribution. A small nucleus of magazines can be defined for the year 2002 with international nature for the area of study: Index de Enfermería (Esp), Investigación y Educación en Enfermería (Col), Gerokomos (Esp), Desarrollo Científico de Enfermería (Méx), Revista de Enfermería del IMSS (Méx). Ii is obvious, nevertheless, the immaturity of the Latin American area from the international contribution point of view.