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Index de Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296
BARBOSA DE PINHO, Leandro and AZEVEDO DOS SANTOS, Silvia Maria. Meanings and perceptions about nursing care in an Intensive Care Unit. Index Enferm [online]. 2006, vol.15, n.54, pp.20-24. ISSN 1699-5988.
This study aims to know the meanings and perceptions about nursing care in an Intensive Care Unit, according nurses, patients and familiar companions. This is a qualitative research, made by half-structuralized interviews applied 07 (seven) nurses, 04 (four) familiar and 01 (one) patient in the Intensive Care Unit for adults of a University Hospital of the Santa Catarina State, Brazil. We perceived that the speech of nurses, familiar and the patient strengthens the necessity to extend the dimension of the care in the ICU for beyond the technique and the routine, contemplating the participation of the bonds and the valuation of the psychosocial necessities of the people. We considered that the humanizator speech can help in the rescue of the logic of knowing integral, diminishing the biomedical and broken up attention, and conceiving the man as a whole, constituted of body, lain, spirit and social relations.