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Index de Enfermería

On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296


LUQUE FERNANDEZ, Miguel Ángel  and  BAUERNFEIND, Ariane. Prevencion of Maternal Mortality: an example on community intervention in Congo. Index Enferm [online]. 2007, vol.16, n.57, pp.13-17. ISSN 1699-5988.

Introduction: The WHO "World Health Report 2005" calls attention to the international medical community about the invisible health crisis causing the maternal deaths in the poorest countries of the world. Under the slogan "Make every mother and child count", the maternal mortality was recognised as a huge international public health and human rights problem. Objective: Increase the number of institutional deliveries trough an action research, with the objective to reduce indirectly maternal mortality. Methods: A qualitative-quantitative community trial was conducted in Pweto (Democratic Republic of Congo) from 2002 to 2004. An intensive ethnographic research was done to obtain the key determinants of the low proportion of institutional deliveries from the mother’s perspective and an intervention was started. The program’s efficiency was measured through a T student test comparing the number of deliveries attended in the institution before and after the intervention. Results: The increase of 1279 deliveries observed after the intervention has statistically significance (T:-12,062 with 28 grade of liberty, p<0,01) demonstrating a strong positive lineal association between the number of institutional deliveries and the intervention carried out (R2:0,81 p<0,01). Discussion: International health cooperation projects have to consider maternal mortality as a crosscutting problem which needs to be addressed in all their interventions. Simple intervention, focusing on answering to the problems perceived by the women, could increase the number of institutional deliveries in regions of humanitarian aid such as Pweto.

Keywords : Prevencion; Maternal Mortality; Community intervention; International health cooperation; International public health; Human rights.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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