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Index de Enfermería
versión On-line ISSN 1699-5988versión impresa ISSN 1132-1296
SOUZA RAMOS, Flávia Regina; COELHO S. PADILHA, Maria Itayra; OLIVEIRA VARGAS, Mara Ambrosina de y ROLIM MANCIA, Joel. Foucault & nursing: risking thinking in other ways. Index Enferm [online]. 2007, vol.16, n.57, pp.37-41. ISSN 1699-5988.
This article analyzes scientific production of Brazilian Nursing, evidencing those that utilize Foucault as a theoretical reference. It recognizes the relationship between academically legitimized field of knowledge and practice. It utilizes 27 abstracts of doctorate dissertations and masters thesis developed from 1972 to 2003 with references to Foucault published in the Catalogues of the Nursing Research and Study Center of Brazilian Nursing Association-ABEn, as its empirical material. The Study is organized and analyzed upon the following themes: historical studies; gender and sexuality; work and nursing identity. In this light, the existing production points out new possibilities for thinking about the very thoughts as products and as productive of discussion with the potential to impose ordination upon the real, and to constitute subjects that are capable of conceiving and acting in specific ways concerning themselves, others, and social life.
Palabras clave : Foucault; Nursing; Theoretical reference; Thought nurse; Gender and sexuality; Nursing identity.