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Index de Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296
PERICAS, Jordi et al. The smoking habits of registered nurses in the community of the Balearic Islands. Index Enferm [online]. 2007, vol.16, n.58, pp.26-30. ISSN 1699-5988.
Introduction: This study aims to show the conducts, beliefs and attitudes towards smoking issues held by registered nurses in the Balearic Islands. Subjects and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted through personal phone interviews with 430 nursing professionals selected randomly from the 4,800 registered nurses in Balearic Islands. The first part of the interview was directed to all nurses, whether addicted to tobacco or not, and rated demographic variables and attitudes towards smoking issues in terms of beliefs, as well as conducts and attitudes towards patients. The second part was specifically addressed to smokers and ex-smokers in order to draw a profile of their smoking habits. Results: Women accounted for 80% of the 430 nurses surveyed and their average age was 38. Of all nurses, 26.7% were smokers, 20.5% were ex-smokers and 52.8% were non-smokers. Smokers ask their patients fewer questions about their smoking habits, consider themselves less well-informed about how to address the issue and advise their patients to quit smoking on fewer occasions than non-smoking nurses do. Primary care professionals smoke less than specialised nurses do. Conclusion: Further training in smoking issues needs to be conducted, as half the nurses do not feel properly prepared to handle smoking issues.
Keywords : smoking habits; Nurses; Conducts; Beliefs; Attitudes.