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Index de Enfermería
On-line version ISSN 1699-5988Print version ISSN 1132-1296
LUCCHINI RAIES, Camila; MARQUEZ DOREN, Francisca and URIBE TORRES, Claudia. Skin to skin contact effects in newborns and their mothers. Index Enferm [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.4, pp.209-213. ISSN 1699-5988.
Background: skin to skin contact has been an ancient practice in all cultures, that due to the institutionalization of care delivery, decreased in the west. Was revived as part of humanized care delivery. Main objective: to determine effects of skin contact of the newborn with her mother. Methodology: a review of 26 studies. Search limits: new borns, Humans, clinical trials, 10 years of publication, database PubMed, ProQuest, CINAHL, Lilacs. Main results: benefits were seen in the following variables: duration of breastfeeding, neurosensorial behavior, temperature regulation, as an alternative to standard care, decreased of hospitalization days and cortisol levels, favoring the mother-child interaction and child development. Main conclusion: skin to skin contact provides multiple benefits to newborns. It is presented as an alternative to secure care, feasible to implement.
Keywords : Skin to skin contact; Kangaroo care; Newborn; Effects.