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Index de Enfermería

versión On-line ISSN 1699-5988versión impresa ISSN 1132-1296


LOPEZ ALONSO, Sergio R. et al. Sex distribution of the casuistic and nursing care needs attended by emergency nursing at home. Index Enferm [online]. 2017, vol.26, n.4, pp.260-264. ISSN 1699-5988.

Objetive: To explore the sex distribution of the casuistic and nursing care needs attended by an prehospital emergency nurse in Málaga. Method: Cross-sectional study, including patients from Málaga District attended by an prehospital emergency nurse, in a rotating work schedule, from January 2012 to November 2014. The main variables were: sex, age, demand according to the International Classification of Diseases and nursing care needs according to NANDA Diagnosis. Statistical analysis included descriptive data analysis, Chi-squared test, T-Student and multivariate logistic regression. Result: 1569 patients were attended. 63.48% were women. Women's demand were different from men (p<0,05), highlighting: Arthralgia/pain in limbs and others; Anxiety/Depression; and High/Low blood pressure; and in nursing care needs: Fear/Anxiety, Nausea and Social isolation. On the opposite side, men's demands and nursing care needs were urinary problems. Only in women, musculoskeletal pain were associated with a higher frequency of anxiety (p<0,05). Conclussions: Demands for assistance made by women almost double those made by men; noting that in the casuistic and nursing care needs compared to men preponderate those with a psychosocial component while, on the contrary, prevail urinary problems that are related to a physiological component.

Palabras clave : Prehospital Care; Prehospital Services; Emergency nursing; Advanced nursing practice; Sex distribution.

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